Copyright 2013-2014 © by Brass Serpent Productions.  All Rights Reserved.

Moses made a fiery brass serpent, and set it on a pole so that everyone who was a sinner, when he saw it, should live.  And as Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so was Jesus the Messiah lifted up so that everyone who is a sinner and believes in Jesus will not perish, but have eternal life.

Due to trolls, spam bots, hacktivists, hatemongers, and other actions by malicious individuals, if you need to contact us, it will be necessary to do so by good old-fashioned snail mail.  If it's important enough to actually warrant our time and attention, then it's important enough to stick a stamp on it.

Contact Us...

Brass Serpent Productions

109 East 17th Street

Suite 4311

Cheyenne, WY  82001